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Case Study

Stacked Dutch

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Project Overview

Stacked Dutch is a fantastic food concept that needed a fresh dose of creativity. The original brand didn’t capture the innovative spirit of the food idea and was due for an update to better reflect its unique offerings.

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The brand did not suit the product. We had to make it fit better.


Brand Strategy


Design Strategy

Marketing Design

Print Design

Social Media Design

Video Editing

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Strategy & Approach

Take the existing brand assets and breathe new life into them by transforming the brand into something that is not only fun and exciting but also highly creative. The goal is to inject a sense of energy and originality into the brand’s identity, making it stand out in a memorable way.

The Result

We took the existing brand assets and revitalized them by introducing a bold, yet harmonious color scheme that adds energy and excitement without being overly aggressive. The typography was updated to a modern, playful style that remains readable and professional, but with a touch of creativity that reflects the brand’s new direction

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